
Schaumburg to combat emerald ash borer

The emerald ash borer was first discovered in the southwest portion of Schaumburg in the summer of 2008.

In the years that have followed, signs of the infestation have spread to other areas of the village. Currently, the village is removing parkway ash trees as they exhibit substantial symptoms and to date 100 ash trees have been removed due to this pest.

Once again, the village will participate in the Legacy Tree Project as a means to combat the insect. This is a cooperative program with Valent Professional Products to perform treatments for this destructive insect on parkway trees.

Schaumburg began its participation in The Legacy Tree Project in 2010, which included the free treatment of 200 ash trees with a product developed by Valent called Safari Insecticide. The trees chosen for treatment this year will be in the Spring Cove subdivision and Syracuse Lane, west of Springinsguth. Safari Insecticide is injected into the base of the ash tree resulting in no exposure to humans or pets.

The urban forest is very important to the community and the goal of the program is to not only protect the 200 ash trees that will be treated, but to also bring awareness to the devastation being caused by the emerald ash bore.

Additional information on emerald ash bore and other urban forest issues may be found on the village’s website at

If you have a question or concern, please call the Engineering and Public Works Department at (847) 895-7100.