
Stats show prudence of concealed carry

Congratulations, Illinois! Our legislative cowards have dictated that the inferior and ineffective Kingdom of Quinn is now the last of the 50 states that denies the right and the choice to carry concealed weapons. We are deadened with the propaganda that the right to carry concealed guns will be the only deciding factor that will eradicate the nonviolent and peaceful existence we currently enjoy (LOL).

Our obtuse Springfield “spokespersons” base their party line guesstimates on an endless supply of jaded facts, figures and statistics as well as the opinions from select “experts” who project that these freedoms will be the cause of our society’s downfall. We’re told that if our citizens are allowed to carry guns for their personal safety outside of the home, we’ll have live with the fear of gun-slinging cowboys and regular shootouts on the streets (take a good look, you fools; I’ve just described the streets of Chicago today, under your no-gun restrictions). Does the fact that not one state has repealed or overturned its laws indicate that they are good, working laws? Do any of the Kingdom’s intolerant bureaucrats have the courage to evaluate these statistics, too, or do they compete with each other to see who can do the best job to hide and ignore them?

John K. Nolan

Mount Prospect