
Enjoying your Great Society?

There is an ongoing discussion about raising the national debt level. I use level instead of limit because it will continue to increase ad infinitum. The politicians are clueless as how to stop it.

Let’s put the debt in perspective.

If we start now with $14 trillion and ignore the interest, pay that amount off at the rate of $100 million per day, it will take more than 383 years. Throw in the interest, at who knows what rate, and it’s feasible we can never pay it off.

Our grandchildren are stuck with the payoff. How’s about a minimum of 13-plus generations.

How can the federal government possibly pay this debt in any reasonable amount of time? Maybe by confiscating everyone’s assets? Guess what that sounds like?

Check Karl Marx’s “Ten Tenets of Communism” to know where we are headed. Hopefully our politicians will wake up before we go over the abyss.

For all who can’t see it, all these entitlement programs making us dependent on the government is a new form of slavery.

Here is hoping everyone is enjoying LBJ’s “Great Society.”

Frank M. Garner

Lake in the Hills