
Why protect illegal immigrants?

Roger Clemens — born in Dayton, Ohio, graduate of the University of Texas and seven-time winner of Major League Baseball’s Cy Young Award — started trial on July 6 on charges of making false statements to Congress. He faces a maximum prison sentence of 30 years.

On the other hand, Jose Antonio Vargas, an award-winning journalist, is an admitted illegal immigrant. His family paid $4,500 to get him into the United States illegally when he was 12 years old, he arrived with a fake passport, he graduated from college on a scholarship, he used a doctored Social Security card to gain employment and has an illegal driver’s license. Mr. Vargas has not been deported for being an illegal immigrant and for making false statements through passports, college documents, Social Security documents, employment application and drivers’ license forms.

I do not understand how illegal immigrants are a “protected” class in the United States.

Howard Snyder
