
Schaumburg Relay For Life Raises $185,000

Schaumburg, Ill. – June 28, 2011 – The Schaumburg Relay For Life raised a record-breaking $185,000 for the American Cancer Society, surpassing its fundraising goals and previous records and helping ACS get one step closer to a world with more birthdays and less cancer. The event, held last Friday, June 24 at Alexian Field, brought together more than 700 residents of the community, including 100 cancer survivors.

“The event was more successful than I had ever imagined,” said Tony Randall, event co-chair. “It was inspiring to see our community come together to support cancer survivors and those who have lost loved ones. I lost my grandma, Flemmie Giliberto, in January, so this year's Relay was especially meaningful to me.”

More than 60 teams and 600 participants helped the event exceed its fundraising goal of $178,000. The teams walked from 6 p.m. to 6 a.m. and were made up of students, families, friends, churches, organizations and several Schaumburg businesses.

“The generous support and fundraising from Omron, Wells Fargo and Genworth Financial, all of whom donated or raised over $10,000, provide the backbone to our event,” said Don Larsen, event co-chair. “All of our sponsors really stepped up this year and we hope to continue to foster our relationship with the Schaumburg business community in the years ahead.”

The Schaumburg Relay helped the Northwest Suburban Office of the American Cancer Society raise $1.2 million in 2011—almost $200,000 more than the region's goal. In the last year, this local office gave out 200 wigs to patients as part of the “Look Good, Feel Good” program and provided more than 1,700 rides to treatments and appointments through the “Road to Recovery.”

“Not only did we raise more money than ever before, but we also welcomed more survivors than in years past,” said Larry Netzer, event co-chair. “We focus a lot of our event on celebrating survivors, and this year was no exception. It's always great to see returning survivors actively fighting back against this disease.”

While the event is over, the Relay season is not. Fundraising will continue for 2011 through August 31, and the Schaumburg Relay will host a wrap-up party to celebrate its achievements in early August at John Barleycorn Schaumburg. Contact Tony Randall at or visit to learn more about the Relay and upcoming events.

The American Cancer Society is dedicated to eliminating cancer as a major health problem by saving lives, diminishing suffering and preventing cancer through research, education, advocacy and service. The Illinois Division has more than 120,000 volunteers and staff fighting cancer in the state. For the most up-to-date cancer related information and to join the fight against cancer, call 800-ACS-2345 or visit

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