
Palatine emergency agency helps Scouts stay prepared

On Sunday, June 5, 34 Boy Scouts from the Northwest Suburban Council of Boy Scouts of America met in the Palatine Emergency Operations Center, and earned their Radio Merit Badge.

Class was hosted by Venture Crew 345 of Palatine, in conjunction with the Palatine ARES/RACES group of the Palatine Emergency Management Agency. Class instruction was lead by two agency volunteers; Charles “Terry” Aldridge KM9N, and Bill Farmer K9BTF. Terry is an Eagle Scout, and both men are active Boy Scout leaders.

The three-hour class included various elements of radio communication, including safety, amateur radio, call signs, radio waves, electromagnetic spectrum, frequencies, Morse Code, circuits, and career opportunities pertaining to radio. The Palatine agency will be hosting an additional radio merit badge class in the near future.

Some of the Scouts expressed an interest in becoming licensed radio operators, so they’ll all be invited to attend the next amateur radio class which will prepare them to take their test to become amateur radio operators, affectionately known as “hams.”

“Partnering with the Boy Scouts is a natural marriage between two organizations whose mission is to be prepared,” said agency coordinator Tom Smith. “By offering these classes to the Scouts, we as an EMA are assisting them to be better prepared as well as adding to the community’s level of preparedness. The Scouts are a great asset to emergency management and to the community.”

The following evening, Monday, June 6, the center was utilized once again when one Boy Scout and eight Scout leaders attended, participated, were tested and received their certification cards for successfully completing the American Heart Association class for administering adult/child CPR/AED. This three-hour class was hosted by Venture Crew 345 and the Palatine Medical Reserve Corps, which is a part of the Palatine Emergency Management Agency.

Class instructors were Linda Kielas, Sue Barrett and Tony Rivota, who are members of Palatine’s Medical Reserve Corp, as well as other agency groups. Another class will take place Thursday, June 30, where 10 more Boy Scouts and leaders will receive their certification in CPR/AED.

Special thanks also go to Glen Stelzer, an Eagle Scout, and Debbie Heine for their professional assistance in coordinating the events.

The Boy Scout motto is “be prepared.” With the continuing help of Palatine Emergency Management Agency groups, the Boy Scouts are better prepared to lend a hand during an emergency.

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