
No job descriptions? You must be kidding

Now let me get this straight: As a taxpayer who participates in paying the salaries and benefits of the employees of the school system, did I just read in your paper that only now is there going to be a committee formed to “explore” an appropriate job description for the athletic director, assistants and coaches and that only now there will be put in place a “uniform approach” to evaluating coaches annually as such a process does not now exist?

What private business the size of this school district would not have these processes firmly in place? My request as a taxpayer is that all government employees be held accountable by having evaluation processes firmly in place just like every private business would have.

My gosh, for these government employees such as athletic directors and coaches to not even have formal job descriptions and evaluation procedures set is, quite frankly, very predictable. What other positions in our school district may not have strict procedures in place for their performance standards?

Jim Dieter

St. Charles