
Affordable Care Act not so affordable

As I read people’s opinions I have come to find many do not understand the Affordable Care Act. First the title itself is a misnomer. Many still cannot afford health insurance. President Obama told America that costs will go down by $2,500 per family. I think he meant they will increase by $2,500 because that’s in fact what has happened.

The truth is we are talking apples to oranges here. It’s all a balance. Many people are crying for more benefits for less money, but that request is virtually impossible without somebody footing the bill for it. Medical care costs money — period. Can you get a Cadillac with all of its benefits while paying the price of a Ford Fiesta? No. Can you get a steak dinner at Morton’s for the price of a McDonald’s cheeseburger? No. Health insurance is not free.

I’m not saying the insurance companies wear a halo, but Obama has created a witch hunt that doesn’t exist. Where are medical bills originated? Not the insurance companies. It’s the hospitals, doctors, pharmaceutical companies and other health care providers. Fact is, data pulled from 52 insurance companies find the average profit margin was 3.4 percent.

Insurance companies rank 87th out of 215 businesses slightly over the median of 2.2. Beverage companies were the highest at 25.9 percent. No. 2 was health care real-estate trusts (firms that are the landlords for hospitals and health care facilities). Pharmaceuticals at 16.7 percent were seventh highest.

Insurance is a risk pool. While I am healthy, my premiums pay for the sick. While more benefits are good for many, we are all paying for them whether you agree or not. Obama may lead you to believe otherwise, but it’s either benefits or cost, not both.

Tim Lavin
