
Make health care more socialized

The intended repeal of the Affordable Healthcare Act by Republican members of Congress is unconscionable, as well as a waste of time; time that could be better spent doing what they were elected to do, govern. Clearly the Republicans and a minority of Democrats who favor repeal are being funded by insurance and pharmaceutical corporations. This legislation is a start to help all Americans secure health coverage.

I lost my job several years ago and could not afford COBRA. Luckily I remained healthy, not needing a doctor’s care. However, that is not the case for others. This legislation will help those people with pre-existing conditions, children can stay on their parents’ plan until they’re 26, it will help seniors, and on a personal level, it has already helped me receive my first “free” mammogram.

I know personally how well a “socialized” medical system works since I have relatives living in Germany, Austria and Switzerland. They cannot understand the argument against a socialized health care system. They have excellent health care and wouldn’t change it for the world, including those relatives living in Switzerland, who just 10 years ago had the same system we have been operating under for so many years. It was changed, and for the better.

The Republicans claim to be fiscally responsible, and yet if this bill is repealed it has been proven that it will add a trillion dollars to the national deficit. I say keep the bill and work to make it more, do I dare use the “S” word ... yes, “socialized.”

Darlene Friese

West Chicago