DuPage roller derby group wants to expand
Naperville resident Megan Rosenberg remembers when she first put on a pair of roller skates. It was last year, when she helped found the DuPage Derby Dames roller derby league.
“I had never done this before, but I'm so glad I took the plunge,” said Rosenberg, whose derby name is Millie Brawl. “I never had friends who were girls before. Now I have 30 of them.”
The DuPage Derby Dames held an open skate and fundraiser Sunday night in Aurora, part of an effort to bring 30 more players into the league. Recruiting that many would “legitimize” the league by giving it four complete teams.
The Dames aren't looking for skating superstars — just women who want to have fun and are willing to commit themselves to the league.
“We can teach people the skills they need,” said Westmont resident Stephanie Wysocki, also known as Iona Gunn. (All derby players adopt fearsome nicknames.)
Roller derby was a staple of 1970s pop culture, but it has enjoyed a resurgence during the past decade. Points are scored during the matches, or “bouts,” when designated skaters on a team lap the pack of other skaters whizzing around an oval track.
Sunday's event, which was held at the Dames' home base, the Aurora Skate Center on Montgomery Road, included fundraising activities like a bake sale and a kissing booth. The money raised will go toward the purchase of uniforms and other equipment needed for the league's bouts.
The group hopes to be the suburbs' version of Chicago-based leagues like the Windy City Rollers and the Chicago Outfit. For more information, go to dupagederbydames.com.