
Don't let home falls ruin your family holiday celebrations

The holidays are designed for family get-togethers and especially to celebrate with parents and grandparents. As we navigate around Mom, Dad, Aunt Alice, Uncle Ed and the children … bear in mind that falls among seniors are most likely to happen in the home environment. Holidays are a great time to take stock of our homes so that seniors can navigate through the home without falling, especially if they have existing balance and vision problems.

“While most people think their home is safe, the truth is that as we age our ability to navigate rugs, extension cords, and pets can become compromised because our balance function doesn't work like it did when we were in our 30s-40s and 50s,” according to Michael A. Bearce, executive director of Fall Prevention Clinics of America in Naperville,

Bearce cites a recent study in the Journal of the American Geriatrics Society that found that falls among the elderly are common, with as many as 40 percent of people age 65 and older falling each year. Falls can lead to serious injuries, such as a fractured hip or concussion.

Since 2007, Medicare has been trying to encourage seniors to get a "Falls Risk Assessment" done if : 1) They have fallen more than once in past 12 months. 2) They have fallen and been injured (bruises count!) 3) Have a fear of falling.

Bearce recommends that when inviting seniors to the holiday celebration, encourage them to wear non-skid shoes, take their proper medication if they are prone to dizziness, bring walking aids such as canes and walkers, and wear their eye glasses.

“If you take a little time to evaluate your home for fall risks, you can ensure that the holidays will be a safe and festive occasion for everyone,” concluded Bearce.

For information, call (630) 305-0403 or visit

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