
Wood Dale fire board needs help

There is an opening on the board of trustees for the fire district in Wood Dale. This position has become available due to the resignation of one of its most experienced members, Gail Johnson, who had the longest tenure on the board. She was subjected to the most unprofessional conduct possible.

The goal of the remaining board and fire chief was, in my opinion, to force a resignation of a member who had opposite views and did not approve of the way business was being conducted.

After going to many governmental agencies and being told "Yes, we see the possible wrongdoing, however there is nothing we can do to help you," the battle has to be given up. Unless you can afford to hire a private attorney and incur a large personal expense, you have to walk away. Therefore, I feel that the safety and protection of the citizens are not up to the standards that they should be.

I also feel that our tax dollars are not being spent in a fashion we were promised. There were many promises made that have not happened. My concern for the residents of Wood Dale has been ongoing because I care about my town, the people in it and my selfish concern is that my family lives here. One only wants what is best for their family and will fight extremely hard to obtain it. In my opinion, Ms. Johnson fought a good fight for the people and lost.

During the next election, please don't forget to make yourselves aware of your fire district. There is more to the district than having an ambulance or a fire truck come to your house when you need them, and since the position is available now consider applying for it yourself and learn firsthand.

Joyce Arnesen

Wood Dale

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