
Sample more than 70 Italian wines at Carlucci

Explore more than 70 wines from almost every single region in Italy and in every style at a wine tasting Thursday hosted by Binny's Beverage Depot and Carlucci. A pre-tasting introduction into the world of Italian wine begins at 5:30 p.m. The cost for tasting is $15.

Info: 6 to 8 p.m. Thursday, Sept. 16, at Carlucci Restaurant, 1801 Butterfield Road, Downers Grove. (630) 512-0990 or

Sideouts TuesdaysSure, there's all sorts of fun entertainment every weekend at Sideouts Bar and Eatery, but we're here to talk drink specials. So we're talking Tuesdays. Get 20-ounce jumbo Bud and Bud Light drafts for $2. Or try $3 Shock Top or $5 seasonal beers, 312 or Bass. What's a beer without its best friend, burgers? Two dollar burgers all day. Info: Tuesdays at Sideouts Bar and Eatery, 4018 Roberts Road, Island Lake. (847) 526-7172 or visit blacklistedIt's beer 101 Guinness-style at Timothy O'Toole's in Chicago, where the Irish pub will explore the Guinness Black List. Participants will sample Guinness' Black List beers, which are a mixture of Guinness with other drinks such as cider, blackberry, Honkers, Blue Moon, Port, Magic Hat and Sam Adams Boston Lager. The event is $20 per person. Info: 8 p.m. Thursday, Sept. 16, at Timothy O'Toole's Pub Chicago, 622 N. Fairbanks Court, Chicago. (312) 642-0700 or