
Correcting record on Barrington Hills horse boarding

In his letter published July 26th, Barrington Hills resident Jim Hammond misstated and misrepresented the recommendations made by the Equestrian Commission concerning horse boarding within the village.

Horses have been boarded in Barrington Hills since the 1930s. Horse boarding is currently allowed in Barrington Hills by ordinance. The Equestrian Commission's recommendation to the ZBA was that horse boarding, as currently practiced within the village, is safe, trouble-free and should not be changed.

We made no recommendation concerning changes in the current floor area ratio. Residents have always been permitted, by ordinance, to build structures "equal to or less than the size of the residence" without obtaining a special use permit.

This includes, but is not limited to, barns. It applies to all structures built on a property. We made no recommendation concerning manure. There is an existing ordinance that addresses manure piles. Our recommendation was that this ordinance is adequate.

In the opinion of the Equestrian Commission, the best way for the village to look forward concerning horse boarding is to look backward. Neither the Illinois Department of Agriculture nor the Village has received a single complaint about horse management, horse health or horse safety regarding boarded horses within the Village in the last five years.

Boarding of horses has been successfully conducted in Barrington Hills for over 80 years and the Equestrian Commission's recommendation was that this precedent should guide any deliberations either the ZBA or the board of trustees conduct regarding horse boarding.

Mr. Hammond stated that the Equestrian Commission's recommendations "should shock most residents." What is truly shocking is the outrageous fear mongering and misrepresentation of facts indulged in by Mr. Hammond. His attempt to sensationalize and denigrate a practice that has been part of the character and heritage of the village, without incident for over 80 years, is irresponsible and inflammatory.

Dan Lundmark

Chairman Equestrian Commission

Barrington Hills

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