2040 regional plan nears completion
The GO TO 2040 comprehensive regional plan will be based on a diverse and coordinated set of strategies to address projected population growth of more than 2 million new residents over the next 30 years.
The plan is rapidly nearing completion, and its implementation will begin in October. The plan will address transportation, housing, economic development, open space, the environment and other quality-of-life issues. The region has important decisions to make, and the need for action is immediate.
With its GO TO 2040 plan, Chicago Metropolitan Agency for Planning is prepared to lead with your support and involvement. This summer will be the final opportunity for you to weigh in on the draft plan.
Between June 11 and Aug. 6, CMAP will be holding 10 open houses across the region to present the draft GO TO 2040 plan. Join them to hear about GO TO 2040's major policy recommendations.
The GO TO 2040 plan began in 2007 with the development of the GO TO 2040 Regional Vision. This vision set the stage for the planning process, describing how the region should look in 2040. Last summer, residents across the region told us what trade-offs they would be willing to make to support a better 2040 at public workshops, fairs and festivals, online and at interactive kiosks. You can see the results of the public engagement outreach from summer 2009 in a new CMAP report on the Invent the Future phase, which helped inform the GO TO 2040 Regional Scenario. Take a look at its planning process to see how far the GO TO 2040 Plan has come over the years.
• McHenry County: 6 to 8 p.m. Tuesday, July 13, at Woodstock Public Library, 414 W. Judd St.
• Kane County: 6 to 8 p.m. Wednesday, July 21, at Kane County Government Center, 719 S. Batavia Ave., Geneva.
• North West/North Central Cook: 6 to 8 p.m. Thursday, July 29, at Arlington Heights Public Library, 500 N. Dunton Ave., Arlington Heights.
• Chicago/Cook: 6 to 8 p.m. Tuesday, Aug. 3, at CMAP Offices, Cook County Room, 233 S. Wacker Drive, Suite 800, Chicago.
If you are a member of an organization interested in learning about the goals of GO TO 2040, they are willing to come out to your organization and talk about how you can be involved in the implementation process and what GO TO 2040 means for you. This is not CMAP's plan, but the region's, and everyone must work together to make this a success.
For details, contact Erin Aleman at (312) 386-8816 or ealeman@cmap.illinois.gov.