
Poised to get 5.6% raises, Kaneland teachers willing to talk cuts

In the wake of spending cuts made by the Kaneland school board, the teachers union has offered to talk about ways to save money.

The Kaneland Education Association this week asked to "engage in informal conversations" regarding the budget, to "determine if there is a way to mitigate the negative effects of budget decisions on students," according to a news release issued jointly by the district and the KEA.

The district asked the union in November to consider renegotiating its contract. Teachers are due to receive a 5.6 percent increase in base pay this fall, in the last year of a three-year contract.

But teachers voted "no" in February. The union's president said they were concerned about Kaneland's pay compared to other districts, among other things. Union members also did not like that the district announced its request to the public before announcing it to the union. The news release this week noted all further communication about the matter will be made jointly by the union and the district.

Under the cuts the school board approved Monday, the equivalent of 11 full-time teaching positions will be lost in the fall.

Also gone, if the district's money situation does not improve, are five library assistant positions, 11 clubs at the high school, interscholastic sports for the middle school, new books for the high school library, the fifth-grade band, the fifth-grade outdoor education trip, after-practice buses and some coaches for high school sports, according to the $3.1 million plan adopted.

The board is looking to avoid a projected operating-funds deficit of at least $2.6 million. It is also preparing a second round of cuts, fearful it might lose much more state aid than expected.

The plan approved this week puts off, for another year, replacing computers and printers, and freezes the wages of administrators and central office support staff. Perfect attendance incentives for bus drivers are gone, as is the district's health and wellness committee and the Parent University program.

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