
A vote for Morrison will make a difference

I've known Mr. Morrison for over ten years, I've spent time with his family, and I personally know that he truly wants the best for the future of Illinois. After all, this is the future of his, and our, children that's at stake.

Tom isn't just talker; he is a doer. He's a business owner who knows firsthand how hard it can be to support a family and to keep up a business in this economy. As a conscientious business man he can take his principles and apply them to our needy state government.

We all know that Illinois has not gotten better over the past few years. Mrs. Bassi has been in office for six terms; have we really seen a positive change? She's part of the problem in Springfield. We need to turn to a fresh page and new ideas. Tom will be a strong Republican leader, something that we really need. He will show political courage by taking a stand, and actually voting on tough issues. The House record, on the other hand, shows Mrs. Bassi "not voting", "excused", or "present" 242 times during the most recent General Assembly.

I know Tom Morrison loves his country, and will strive to uphold the Constitution. Therefore, I believe Tom Morrison is the best candidate for state representative.

Kelsey McHugh
