
Vote for Bassi is a vote for business

Suzie Bassi has a 100 percent recent rating from the Tooling and Manufacturing Association and the National Federation of Independent Business. The TMA rating is given to legislators with a proven voting record in support of manufacturing and business.

Suzie understands issues that face small business owners and realizes their success is imperative to a strong Illinois economy.

Illinois has lost over 700,000 jobs in manufacturing alone, many to surrounding states where it is less costly to do business. This does not take into consideration the thousands of supporting jobs that have been affected. All of us know someone who has lost their job to outsourcing, downsizing or moving to another state.

Illinois needs a strong legislator who will fight the excessive taxes and fees that has been imposed on the business community. Illinois needs to become a pro business environment where owners want to relocate.

In addition to being a pro business, fiscal conservative Suzie Bassi has worked hard to hold down property taxes by voting to extend the 7 percent tax cap. Even under six years of Democratic leadership she has been able to accomplish a great deal. Just think what can be accomplished under Republican leadership.

Suzie Bassi not only can win the primary but she is the only candidate who can win in the general election. I urge the voters of District 54 to return Representative Bassi to Springfield where she will continue to make your voices heard and our votes count. It is time to support the candidates who have fought for us.

Kathy Amatulli
