
N. Aurora's Goodwin Elementary to rejoice in 40 years of education

Ruth Solomon remembers the excitement of opening a brand-new school.

Hard to believe it's time to celebrate Goodwin Elementary's 40th anniversary.

Solomon, who still teaches at the North Aurora school, will be one of the celebrants at the anniversary festivities today.

She began as a second-grade teacher, teaming up with another teacher to educate nearly 60 children. Things weren't perfect that first year. There was no library and there were glitches with the heating system.

"The kids would have to wear mittens and coats" in the classroom, she said.

Although some teachers wore miniskirts and go-go boots, Solomon was a bit more conservative. "We did kind of have to dress up more," she said, noting all female teachers wore skirts or dresses and heels to work every day.

She spent seven years at Goodwin before moving to Michigan and start raising a family. When she moved back to Illinois, she began teaching again at Goodwin in 1983. She currently teaches fifth grade.

"I think that kids are kids," Solomon said of students then and now. "Their thinking is the same." They are just as curious today as they were then; but today they have more, and easier, access to information, especially via the Internet.

Perhaps Lucia Goodwin, the school's namesake, would agree.

The school was named after the daughter of pioneer Aurorans and 1901 graduate of Stanford University. She spent 33 years teaching mathematics in West Aurora schools and retired in 1936 at the age of 56.

"Tiny she may have been, but she could face down the biggest football player who wanted to go out for practice without getting his assignment done. Tradition says she even brought a fresh set of tears from some of those football players when she said 'No!' and made it stick," wrote a local newspaper in 1967.

Solomon's favorite memories of her time at Goodwin are any time the school community came together - parents, teachers, students - for an activity, such as a choir or band concert.

She should then enjoy today's festivities.

The school, 18 Poplar Place, will dedicate a new sign at 1 p.m., followed by a panoramic picture-taking of the school and its students.

From 4:30 to 6:45 p.m., there's a fundraising barbecue for the school's PTA. From 5 to 7 p.m. students will give tours of the school. At 6 p.m., the Goodwin choir and band will perform, and birthday cake will be served.

The public is invited to attend all the activities.

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