
Plan wedding memories at your home for less

Wedding season is upon us, and until the economy improves, entertaining the bride at home is an option worth serious consideration.

While we would be the last to recommend flinging the rehearsal dinner into your living room, a bridesmaid's lunch or even a small brunch for out-of-towners during the wedding weekend is perfectly doable.

Here are some tips we hope might help the "entertaining intimated" (or at least facilitate pondering the possibilities).

For starters, confront your Martha fear. If you've been shellshocked by photos of the way-too-perfect, pull yourself together and remember that Martha has a staff.

That said, figure out how to enlist some free help. In the "old days" (i.e., back when we got married), our mothers, grandmothers and aunts got together and everyone cooked something. Or they joined forces with friends and hosted en masse. Smart women!

Keep the menu simple. Let one stunning dish like today's Hawaiian Chicken Salad in Radicchio Leaves take center stage, and resist the temptation to crowd the plate.

As for ambience: Not even "M" would disagree that simple is elegant - and simple preserves your sanity. The trick is to concentrate on one or two flourishes, like cloth napkins or flowers from the yard arranged in a crystal bowl.

Bask in the glow of the bride: It's not about you, your house or, ultimately, your menu. Center your perspective on celebrating someone you cherish and everything else will fall into place.

For another of our favorite chicken-salad recipes, visit our blog at

Party menu suggestion: Assorted cheeses and crackers, Hawaiian Chicken Salad in Radicchio Leaves, steamed asparagus, lemon sorbet and sugar cookies.

• Beverly Mills and Alicia Ross are co-authors of "Desperation Dinners!" (Workman, 1997), "Desperation Entertaining!" (Workman, 2002) and "Cheap. Fast. Good!" (Workman, 2006). Contact them at Desperation Dinners, c/o United Media, 200 Madison Ave., New York, NY 10016, or visit

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