
Barrington would put residents first

I am writing this letter from many perspectives, as a concerned resident, a former employee and a loving wife.

My husband John Barrington is actively seeking election to the position of Ela Township assessor. I believe he is the most qualified candidate for many reasons, the biggest being that he believes residents and their concerns should come before anything else! My husband believes that all political offices belong to the people, not the politicians elected to fill the space.

I have worked in the assessor's office under John Schweda where I have witnessed his total lack of experience and knowledge. As a former employee of Ela Township, and a CIAO, I believe it is a huge disservice to the residents to allow someone like this to value their properties and decide how much of the total tax they will ultimately pay! The assessor's office is not the place for on-the-job training!

I have heard from frustrated residents when John Schweda couldn't help them, or explained something wrong. I guess in his mind he is first, his friends and family are second, and the residents are LAST!

I urge all residents to get out and vote on April 7th for the only candidate that is QUALIFIED, EXPERIENCED, and KNOWLEDGEABLE, John Barrington! Put residents back where they belong, FIRST!

Bonnie Barrington

Lake Zurich

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