
Cozza, Sawyer for Palatine park board

The Palatine Park District board has one incumbent and two challengers running for two seats. The district is the eighth largest in the state, with 80 full-time employees and a budget of around $20 million. About half its budget comes from user fees.

Incumbent Jay Cozza of Rolling Meadows, running for his fourth term, and Nicholas Sawyer of Palatine have both been involved with the district so deeply and so long, they practically complete each others' sentences in describing the history of park improvements and park programs, key improvements that are underway and things they plan to stress if elected. Both have played key roles in making the system what it is today. Sawyer has been a longtime coach in park leagues and was honored for his voluntary service last year. Both strongly deserve election.

Dexter Stokes, a black business owner and ex-Marine from Palatine, would add the kind of diversity to the board that the district says it aims to foster in its programming and outreach efforts. Dexter says he was inspired to run by his work last fall on the political campaigns for Democrats Barack Obama for president and Dan Seals for Congress and that he feels he could bring a fresh perspective to the board. But he lacks the kind of involvement and deep familiarity with the district the other two candidates have. We hope that he continues to stay active and build on his public service resume for future contests.

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