
How to add more green to your holiday

Christmas can be a time of great joy - and great waste. Here are a few ideas for making your holidays more eco-friendly.

LED lights

If everyone used LED Christmas lights, we'd save $160 million in energy costs, according to the U.S. Department of Energy. Ten strands of LED lights produce 30 pounds of carbon dioxide versus 300 pounds for regular lights. If you're making the switch, don't throw away old lights. will recycle them, and you'll get a coupon for 15 percent off LED lights that you purchase from their site.


Try making your own this year, rather than buying ones made of plastic or glass. Pine cones, paper chains (made from junk mail), painted used light bulbs, old ribbons, painted cardboard (from old shipping boxes) cut into shapes, family photos and calendar pictures are all creative, earth-friendly options.

Wrapping paper

We spend $2.6 billion a year on wrapping paper. Other options to dress up a gift are newspapers, magazines and fabrics cut from old sheets or pillowcases. You can also decorate a box a gift was shipped in rather than rewrapping it. If you are buying paper, avoid foil wrap, which is harder to recycle.

Greeting cards

This year, we'll send 2 billion holiday cards, most of which will end up in landfills. To green up your cards, look for ones made from recycled paper and soy ink, which is less damaging to the environment. Or go totally green and send e-cards. If you can't bear not to mail a greeting, send postcards, which save the envelope paper.


Instead of using plastic utensils and plates, go for the real stuff, as well as cloth napkins and tablecloths. If that's not realistic, try to use plates made of recycled paper and avoid plastic or Styrofoam.

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