
It's deer season -- on the road

Love is in the air - for deer, that is. And that means it's time for suburban drivers to be extra cautious, as the four-legged suitors dash across roads hoping to find a mate.

More than 500,000 deer-car crashes occur each year in the United States, with the majority in November and December, according to the Insurance Information Institute.

Here are some tips from to help you avoid a crash with a deer:

• Be vigilant during early morning and evening hours when deer are most active.

• Use your high-beam headlights, which will reflect in the deer's eyes so you can see them better.

• Blow your horn with one long blast to frighten a deer away.

• Brake firmly rather than swerving, which confuses a deer trying to dodge your car (and you can run off the road or hit another car).

• Deer seldom run alone. When you see one, look out for another.

• Pay attention to deer crossing signs - they really are there for a reason.

• If you hit a deer, don't touch it. Injured animals can hurt you or themselves more. Move your car off the road and call police.

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