
Race on Fox River noted for scenery, fun

Gazing at the Fox River from a distance is a whole different deal from taking in the panorama from aboard a watercraft bouncing on the river's current.

Jeff Long, a Batavia native who's navigated the Fox by both canoe and kayak, said this is something he wants those who haven't tried it to know.

"When you actually go on the river, you get a new perspective," he said. "This is just a beautiful stretch of river."

The last time he ventured onto the river, he said, he was rewarded with a spectacular sighting of dozens of snow egrets. The river is dotted with natural wildlife habitats, including several small islands.

About 130 amateur canoeists and kayakers will race down one of Long's favorite stretches of the river - a 6-mile leg from Batavia to Aurora - as they compete Sept. 28 in the 2008 Mid American Canoe and Kayak Race.

"It's the 47th annual," said Long, race chairman and public relations manager for the Fox Valley Park District.

Paddlers will need to portage once, around the North Aurora dam, where members of the North Aurora Fire Department will be stationed to provide assistance.

All paddlers are required to either wear a life jacket or store one in their watercraft.

"Safety is first and foremost," Long said.

The race is usually held in June.

"The last few years have been a little bit rough. Last year we had to cancel it because of the bridge construction in Batavia," Long said.

This year, it was postponed for the same reason. Past races also have been longer, sometimes starting in St. Charles, making the route about 15 miles long, other times beginning as far north as South Elgin, 22 miles from the Aurora finish line.

"Instead of canceling it again, we thought a shorter race is better than no race at all," Long said.

Long said spectators, walkers, runners and bicyclists typically congregate along the riverbanks and cheer on the paddlers, some of whom travel from other states for the Mid American.

"This race is just for fun. There's no prize money," he said. "It's strictly an amateur race for fun and bringing the communities together."

Most racers will finish their downriver trip in 90 minutes to two hours, Long said. When they do, they'll be greeted with a park district-sponsored, tailgate-style party in McCullough Park.

"We're going to have an awards ceremony, big-screen TVs and a beverage tent," he said.

The party also will include disc golf and sack races.

Long said race participants will receive coupons for complimentary food and beverages, goodie bags and commemorative T-shirts.

Racers can register online, at park district offices or on-site on race day, he said.

The race will go on unless severe weather, such as heavy rains or lightning storms, is encountered.

"It'll give people a new appreciation of the river," Long said. "We're expecting it to be a great day."

2008 Mid-American Canoe and Kayak Race

When: 10 a.m. Sunday, Sept. 28

Where: Begins at put-in near VFW hall, 645 S. River St., Batavia, and ends just south of Illinois Street bridge in Aurora

Cost: $20 for adults, $15 for children under 16

Info: (630) 859-8606 and

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