
Help Crespo reverse new county sales tax

I recently signed a petition to help Rep. Fred Crespo fight to roll back the newly increased Cook County sales tax. I want to take an opportunity to thank Rep. Crespo for his hard work, in not only introducing legislation to combat this unnecessary increase, but for taking the time to walk door to door in order to inform citizens that they have a way to speak out against the tax.

It's nice to know there is a legislator out there that is more concerned for the people they represent than themselves. I urge all my neighbors to sign Rep. Crespo's petition to send a strong message to the Cook County Board that they can't just keep taxing us to make up for their overzealous spending.

Rep. Fred Crespo is working for us to lower our taxes. We need more levelheaded leaders like this in office, that's why I am supporting him on Nov. 4.

Edward Grochowski

Hoffman Estates

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