
Vote for change, vote for Scheurer

From listening to most of the Republican and Democratic Presidential contenders, one would think that the war in Iraq never happened. It's kind of like the institutionalized uncle whose name is not to be brought up at family gatherings.

Well, this insane war, like that insane uncle, is still very much alive -- and now costing U.S. taxpayers more than 250 million dollars per day. Despite its current treatment by the mainstream media as a second-tier issue, the war remains the No. 1 problem in this country because its cost affects what we can spend on everything else. Along with this, consider the needless deaths of thousands of American military personnel and over a million Iraqis.

At a recent event, U.S. Rep. Melissa Bean, a Democrat from the 8th District, said the war in Iraq is "serving American interests." This would be true if the profitability of Halliburton, Blackwater and George Bush's Big Oil buddies were truly American interests, but anyone who's paying attention would beg to differ.

Voters in the 8th District have a clear choice in the Feb. 5 primary. Randi Scheurer, with two kids in the military, one an Iraq veteran, knows all too well how this war has affected working families. She is solidly middle-class and will work hard to improve the lives of average citizens.

Eighth District voters need to go to the polls next month and vote for real change instead of Melissa Bean's continued support of George Bush's failed policies.

Robert E. Friend


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