
Giuliani skips GOP rivals, takes shots at Hillary

Primary? What primary?

Former New York City Mayor Rudy Giuliani campaigned at College of DuPage Thursday like it was November 2008.

Rather than criticize his GOP opponents in the upcoming primaries, the Republican presidential hopeful took aim at Democratic New York Sen. Hillary Clinton.

Giuliani mocked Clinton for favoring the idea of a $5,000 bond for every child born in America to be used for education or housing in the future.

"Tell me that's not socialism," he said.

He repeated a message of less government and lower taxes and played on his leadership of New York in the wake of the Sept. 11, 2001, terrorist attacks.

"In order to be safe, we need to be strong," he said. "We need to be on the offense against Islamic terrorism."

More than 250 students and Giuliani backers crowded into an auditorium in the Glen Ellyn college for what was billed as a town hall meeting, although the former U.S. attorney took only four questions.

Among the throng were local Republican heavyweights State's Attorney Joe Birkett and former Attorney General Jim Ryan, who both back Giuliani.

New fundraising results indicate Giuliani has the money to beat his main threat in the January primaries -- former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney. Both are ahead of the two other Republican contenders Arizona Sen. John McCain and former Tennessee Sen. Fred Thompson, who entered the race late.

Meanwhile, Clinton is leading Sen. Barack Obama in contributions, and each presidential contender fared better than the Republican field in the past three months.

Daily Herald wire services contributed to this report.

Presidential candidate Rudy Giuliani speaks at a town hall meeting at College of Dupage in Glen Ellyn. Bev Horne | Staff Photographer
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