
Lower-fat potato salad perfect for fall

One of my favorite salads to make during the summer, especially when I can get new potatoes at the farmers market, is creamy American potato salad. Since Kraft finally got fat-free mayonnaise right, I make my mayonnaise-based potato salad without guilt.

If I don't tell my guests I used fat-free mayonnaise, nine out 10 can't tell the difference.

If you've ever made American potato salad, you know it's made with a lot of mayonnaise. One tablespoon of real mayonnaise delivers 100 calories and 9 fat grams, while the same amount of the fat-free stuff delivers only 10 calories. If your potato salad calls for 1½ cups mayonnaise (and you must be making a small batch to use that little), that amount of real mayonnaise delivers 2,400 calories to the dish, while fat-free delivers a mere 240, a savings of 2,200 calories.

Once September rolls around, I stop making American potato salad and turn my taste buds toward warm German-style potato salad. I've always appreciated that salad's sweet/sour notes and chunks of bacon, and, of course, the flavor that comes from bacon fat.

Creating a leaner German potato salad isn't as easy as switching to fat-free mayonnaise. Because bacon fat contributes so much flavor, creating a lower calorie version that maintained the integrity of a true German potato salad took some time.

While I like pork bacon, I've found that it's frequently too salty and unless trimmed of fat and baked on a rack it ends up too greasy. Originally, looking for a way to create a leaner BLT, I tried and ultimately switched to lower-fat, lower-sodium turkey bacon.

Choosing the right potato for German-style potato salad requires some research, too. Baking potatoes don't hold their shape, so they don't work in this salad. Red-skinned potatoes (sometimes called Red Bliss) have a slightly waxy texture that keeps its shape after cooking, and since they worked well in my American potato salad I went with red-skins for my German-style potato salad.

Since microwaving a red-skin potato produces gummy results, and steaming a red-skins takes too long, I opted for boiling them. I also leave the potato skins on in my salad, especially if they're organic, since including the skins boosts the potato's fiber contribution by 50 percent.

Finally, the vinegar: In an effort to cut sugar calories in my food plan I decided to go with balsamic vinegar instead of sugar-sweetened cider vinegar. I used to sweeten the dressing with sugar to balance the cider vinegar's acidity, but in this recipe sautéed onions and sweet peppers add sweetness without refined sugar. I liked it.

I think my newer, leaner version of German-style potato salad's terrific. And you can enjoy it knowing that it won't send you spinning off your weight loss or weight maintenance path. Give it a try.

German-Style Potato Salad

2 pounds red-skin (Red Bliss) potatoes (5-6 medium), scrubbed and rinsed under cold water

¼ cup balsamic vinegar, divided

½ teaspoon salt

½ teaspoon fresh ground black pepper

7-8 slices (about 4 ounces) extra lean turkey bacon cut crosswise into ¼-inch strips

2 tablespoons olive oil (not extra virgin)

1 medium yellow onion, chopped

1 medium sweet pepper, cored and chopped

½ cup fat-free, lower-sodium beef broth

¼ cup minced flat leaf parsley

Place potatoes in a 4- to 6-quart saucepan and cover with water one-inch above potatoes. Place pan over high heat and bring to a boil; lower heat to medium (so potatoes do not boil), cover and simmer, stirring occasionally (so they cook evenly) until a knife or fork tines inserted into a potato can easily be removed, about 25 minutes. Drain and cool potatoes until they can easily be handled.

Cut potatoes into ¼-inch slices, layer warm potatoes in a medium mixing bowl, sprinkling each layer with 2 tablespoons vinegar and salt and pepper. Let stand at room temperature to absorb vinegar.

Place bacon in a nonstick skillet over medium heat and cook until brown and crisp, 7 to 8 minutes. Using a slotted spoon, transfer bacon to bowl with potatoes. Add olive oil, onion and sweet peppers to skillet and sauté 4 to 5 minutes, or until soft. Add beef broth and bring to a boil; stir in remaining 2 tablespoons vinegar, remove from heat and pour over potatoes. Sprinkle with parsley, tossing gently to coat. Serve warm or at room temperature.

Serves six.

Nutrition values per serving: 197 calories (23.7 percent from fat), 5.2 g fat (0.8 g saturated), 31.6 g carbohydrates, 3.1 g fiber, 3.2 g protein, 3 mg cholesterol, 450 mg sodium.

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