
Pokorny sets up Geneva's Game 2 rally

A third game in the Western Sun Conference girls volleyball league opener between Glenbard South and Geneva appeared inevitable.

The visiting Raiders led the entire second game, but Geneva, behind the superlative all-around play of Valpo-bound setter Jenny Pokorny, had other plans in mind.

Down by four late in the second game, the Vikings scored 7 of the final 8 points to secure a 25-19, 26-24 sweep of Glenbard South Tuesday evening in Geneva.

The Vikings improved to 7-1 overall, 1-0 in the conference; Glenbard South is 4-3, 0-1.

"We really started to play our game and get the intensity," said Pokorny, who finished with a match-high 21 assists to augment 6 digs, 4 blocks, 3 aces and 3 kills. "We were definitely starting to show up once we got to 18 (points in the second game)."

Glenbard South junior Darah Preston had 5 consecutive second-game kills to help the Raiders to a 14-7 lead, and the team still had leads of 22-18 and 23-19 in hopes of extending the match.

Megan Odenthal brought Geneva within 23-20 with a kill, and the sophomore proceeded to alter the outcome from the service line.

Pokorny fed Betsey York for a kill to reduce the Vikings' deficit to two, and it was soon halved when the senior had a block-kill.

Odenthal then had the last of the Vikings' 10 aces to force the first deadlock of the game at 23-23.

Geneva was on the cusp of victory after a Glenbard South violation, but the Vikings were whistled for an infraction, forcing a second tie at 24-24.

The Raiders' plans for a decisive third game, however, were dashed by a serving error and their inability to return a York offer.

"(Pokorny) is a very special player," said Geneva coach KC Johnsen. "Everything goes through her. You can see why. We finally got some rhythm and got going."

Glenbard South, behind the serving prowess of senior Alicia Engelhardt, enjoyed opening leads in both games.

But the Vikings' stable of talented hitters, personified by their sophomore class, came to the forefront.

In the opening game, sophomore Kelsey Augustine had a pair of kills and an equal number of aces over a 7-point span to accentuate a 16-6 Geneva run.

Classmate Lauren Wicinski led the Vikings with 7 kills.

"(Wicinski) is very reliable for a sophomore," said Johnson.

"Darah Preston had a smart and consistent offensive game," said Glenbard South coach Sherry Hudson. "She was our go-to player. That was a plus. I'm disappointed we didn't fight harder."

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