
Still ignoring facts on gun control

I just love it when the Herald prints a letter from a citizen making an impassioned plea for gun control. He rails on and on about violent crimes that have been committed over the last 15 years or so.

When is someone going to deal with the facts? Why is it the areas that have the strictest gun control laws have the most crime?

And the reverse is generally true; those areas which are not strict on gun control, where citizens are allowed to defend and protect themselves, have less violent crime.

One does not have to look much further than the Hurricane Katrina incidents when the mayor decided illegally to disarm the citizens and take away their ability to defend themselves. The violent crime increased tremendously.

Perhaps stricter sentences for those who commit crimes of violence might be a good start.

If one has ever been in countries where there is little to no major crime, they usually find a very swift and strict court system that punishes those who commit those crimes.

The framers of the Constitution were very wise in crafting the amendment regarding the right to bear arms. Citizens should all have the right to defend themselves. Perhaps if we ban all guns, we might just decide to ban all knives also. Many times, they are used in committing crimes.

I share the writer's concern about the increasing crime rate.

I just do not see anything that proves that gun control works at all. The facts support that it does not.

Just happens that the liberal media and politicians once again choose to ignore the facts.

Dennis Miller

Lake in the Hills

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