
Biggert's boost for affordable housing

As summer recess begins for members of Congress, we would like to take a moment to thank U.S. Rep. Judith Biggert for her leadership in championing affordable housing for Illinois' working families. Biggert is a co-sponsor of the Section Eight Voucher Reform Act, which makes critical improvements to the housing voucher program.

Reform of this crucial federal housing support program only occurs once every 10 years, and there are several key aspects that were targeted for improvement. Thanks to important changes in the way that money is allocated in the housing voucher program, it is estimated that SEVRA will result in several hundred additional families and low-income seniors receiving much-needed housing assistance in Rep. Biggert's district alone. Many more families will be assisted throughout the state.

Through Rep. Biggert's leadership, SEVRA was approved by the House of Representatives this summer in a bipartisan show of support, and it will hopefully be voted on by the Senate this fall. As we go forward, we know it will take some persuasion to ensure that Congress stays committed to these important policy improvements. Illinois is very fortunate to have leadership in both the House and the Senate, when it comes to supporting affordable housing.

Rep. Biggert's history of caring for the homeless when she served as a state senator continues to shine in her new role as a congresswoman. We look forward to continuing to work with her in the future to ensure that safe and affordable housing is an option for us all.

Mary Ellen Durbin

People's Resource Center


Joyce Hothan

Bridge Communities

Glen Ellyn

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