
What people say about Dennis Hastert

On Dennis Hastert:

"He is a good and decent man, and he was a strong and effective Speaker … I am indebted to Denny for his candid advice and strong support."

President Bush

"Denny, through very difficult times -- whether it was Sept. 11, through a Middle East war, and at a time when the Illinois Republican Party had its problems -- always was a leader and literally a rock of Gibraltar for the county and his party."

Republican state Sen. Kirk Dillard of Hinsdale.

"I'm disappointed he's not running. In fact, I think he should run for governor. He'd be a great candidate for governor of Illinois."

Illinois House Republican leader Tom Cross of Oswego.

"I got to know Denny Hastert long before I first came to Congress in 1993. Once I joined him in the nation's capitol, my esteem for his intellect, his commitment to the city of Chicago and the State of Illinois steadily grew."

Democratic Congressman Bobby Rush of Chicago.

"I think he represents the best that Illinois can produce. You think of people like Bob Michel, Everett Dirksen. We've had some great, great people serve in the United States Congress and Denny has carried that legacy a long way. His legacy will be that he carried on in the tradition of other great leaders that have served in congress from Illinois."

Republican U.S. Rep. Ray LaHood of Peoria.

"Speaker Hastert served his state and country with honor, dignity and respect. He stood on core principles that made the United States a safer and better country in which to live."

Illinois Republican Chairman Andy McKenna Jr.

"It is not very often that you find a member of Congress that is as politically astute, unyieldingly determined and respected, by both Republicans and Democrats, as Speaker Denny Hastert."

National Republican Campaign Committee Chairman Tom Cole.

"He's done a good job building consensus and leading by example."

Sugar Grove Village President Sean Michels

"The City of Aurora and all of Kane County have clearly benefited from Speaker Hastert's work to improve our infrastructure, including roads, bridges and the Aurora Municipal Airport. He has been a tireless champion for the Fox Valley and his presence will be missed."

Aurora Mayor Tom Weisner

"He always tried to bring people together to solve a problem and to work, always, for the common good. He has made a huge difference to his district, and the state of Illinois. I am sure he will find that there is a tremendous world out there."

Former St. Charles Mayor Sue Klinkhamer

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