
All but done deal, but show up anyway

A letter was sent to the residents of East Dundee, inviting us to a meeting of the village board to update us about the proposed development at Routes 72 and 25, commonly known as the Par site. Many residents, including myself, just shrugged our shoulders and said, "What's the use?" especially when the letter goes on to say, "there will be a brief review of the plan and agreement during the meeting prior to voting on accepting the plan."

But I would suggest to everyone in East Dundee that no matter what the vote is, attend that meeting and let the village board be aware that this is our village and it belongs to all of us.

We all thought that when the village board had a public meeting several months ago and denied the proposal from Par, who wanted so many variations, that the project was closed. Or that it would be altered accordingly and conform to our ordinances.

Now it seems that Par is receiving almost everything it asked for at the first meeting.

Of course, that is Par for the course. Ask for so much that the village has to give you something, which was all you wanted in the first place.

I understand that the denial was followed by a lawsuit and that an agreement has been reached, so "yes" it is a done deal, but please show up anyway. Some of your remarks may help the board keep control of the project.

This meeting is 7 p.m. Monday at the Dundee Township Park District Senior Center. If you are an East Dundee resident, please attend. Maybe, you won't like everything that you hear, but you will be informed.

DeLoris Doederlein

East Dundee

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