
Aim criticism at correct target

Truth is the first casualty of war. The same goes for politics.

In order to hold the parties responsible for decisions that they make, voters must know who is pushing initiatives and voting for them. Examples are “Who voted for the 67-percent income tax increase?” “Who voted for raiding the teachers’ and public employees’ pension funds?” and most recently “Who is pushing to cut local governments’ share of state funding for municipalities?”

There was a cartoon in this newspaper with an arm labeled “General Assembly” pickpocketing a personification of local government’s wallet. There was also an article about suburban mayors harshly criticizing the legislature for trying to cut local government funding.

Even though I agree with the mayors’ assessment, the problem is that their criticism is misdirected. It is Gov. Quinn who is proposing the cut and pushing it. The pickpocketing arm should be labeled “Gov. Quinn.” And, the mayors should focus their lobbying efforts on the governor, his budget director and Quinn’s enablers in the General Assembly if they wish to be effective.

Quinn spokeswoman Brie Callahan is quoted saying that they want to pay all their bills, except for those to local government I guess, and ridiculously she points a finger at the minority party, as if they are in charge.

If Gov. Quinn and the ruling majority want the money, they will have to assume the authority that the voters have given them and take it. They should at least be directly honest about it.

Chris Lauzen

State Senator
