
Mathias in 53rd House

The 53rd House District is a fiscally conservative, socially moderate enclave that isn't particularly doctrinaire about party affiliation. Voters want sensible representatives who will work in their best interests, and cross the aisle to get worthwhile legislation enacted.

Sidney Mathias has been that kind of legislator since he was elected in 1999. A Buffalo Grove Republican, he is pro-choice, although in favor of parental notification. He bucked his party to vote to restructure the RTA, fearing the elimination of bus lines would hurt people trying to get to work. He opposes the proposed state income tax hike, but is willing to look at expanding the sales tax base. A former mayor, he is in frequent contact with local mayors occasionally even calling them from the floor of the House to discuss pending legislation.

Linda Birnbaum, a Democrat from Wheeling, is a former member of the Prospect Heights school board. She is liked, but there's no reason to make a change here. Mathias is endorsed.