
Elk Grove Village Cares Program Receives Donation from Consulate General of Bulgaria

During the September 13 Elk Grove Village Board meeting, Svetoslav Stankov of the Consulate General of Bulgaria in Chicago and Pavel Peneff, Vice President of MERX Global, an Elk Grove Village-based transportation company, presented the Mayor & Board of Trustees with a $1,000 donation to the Elk Grove Village Cares program.

The funds for the EGV Cares donation were raised by participants of the First Parade of Bulgaria, an event co-hosted by the Bulgarian Consulate of Chicago and the Village held back in May. The event featured a parade and celebration of Bulgarian heritage and culture and was the first of its kind to be hosted in Elk Grove Village. Stankov remarked that the donation was made possible by the Village, the Bulgarian community, and Elk Grove businesses that supported the parade event.

The Elk Grove Village Cares program, implemented in 2018, helps connect those suffering from the disease of addiction to treatment programs. Under this initiative, anyone seeking treatment for addiction can seek it through the Elk Grove Village Police Department, regardless of residence or health insurance coverage.

Since its inception, Elk Grove Village Cares has served as an important link on the path to recovery for individuals in need, making 117 total connections to partnering treatment programs. If you or a loved one is seeking addiction treatment, EGV Cares is ready to help. Visit for more information.

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