
Share Your Ideas for Lake Villa District Library's Outdoor Space Plan

Lake Villa District Library is holding two public focus groups on Wednesday, May 4, 2022 at 6pm and 7pm to brainstorm ideas for its outdoor space plan.

Hitchcock Design Group was hired last December to develop the plan and now it's time for the community to share ideas. "We've reached the most important part of the process," said LVDL Director Mick Jacobsen, "hearing our community's wants and needs."

Those interested in attending the focus groups are encouraged to register at or by calling 847.245.5115. Additionally, surveys are available online and at the library's public services desks.

The library board's goal for the plan is to identify options they could consider implementing over a number of years. "Creating an environment our community will enjoy is what this is all about ," said Jacobsen. "We're excited to hear what people have to say."

Lake Villa District Library enriches life in our community by connecting people with resources, services, spaces and each other.

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