Lombard Park District hosts COVID-19 vaccine clinic
Available doses of FDA-approved Pfizer-BioNTech and Moderna COVID-19 vaccines throughout Illinois have been limited up to this point. It has been challenging for those who qualify under Phase 1B & Phase 1B+ of the state's vaccination plan to set up an appointment.
Thanks to the partnership with Lombard's Jewel Osco Pharmacy, the Lombard Park District has been able to host three vaccination clinic at their Madison Meadow Athletic Center for those who qualify.
When available residents and nonresidents are able to preregister online a week prior to each clinic hosted.
Within hours, these time slots fill.
The most recent clinic hosted at Madison Meadow Athletic Center served over 1,500 individuals, which filled up in less than four hours.
“We are so grateful we are able to work with Jewel Osco and provide these clinics to our community,” said Executive Director Paul Friedrichs.
The park district recommends following them at www.facebook.com/lombardparks/ or subscribing to the e-newsletter for the future possibility of another vaccine clinic.
To get updates, visit lombardparks.com/coronavirus-updates/.