
Pray on any tough decisions you have to make

"How long will you halt and waver over two opinions?"

- 1 Kings 18:22 (NIV).

We live in one of the greatest times in history with the amount of knowledge we have acquired and the choices offered to us. But along with the blessing of so much to choose from, comes the challenge of trying to make the right choice.

Choices affect every area of our lives. We struggle over financial decisions, wondering which job to take, what house to buy, and more.

Then there's the decisions regarding our relations. Is this person good for me? Is this person trustworthy? How do I really feel about them?

Our decision-making even shapes our spiritual views when we study our Bible and start to think different from what we've been taught in our younger years.

The challenge also presents itself in our physical well-being when deciding on a physician or a medical treatment. Business decisions can be risky, causing us to go back and forth over options. I've been so overwhelmed trying to figure out which product to buy, I made the choice not to get anything.

Double-mindedness (going back and forth regarding a decision) sometimes challenges us when striving to make a right selection. Depending on the seriousness of the matter, it can be daunting, even causing us to lose sleep because we can't seem to shut off our mind from going over and over our choices.

Double-mindedness in making choices has been around through the ages. In the Garden of Eden, Eve had the opportunity to make a choice whether to eat the fruit. God already instructed her not to do it, but when the crafty serpent tempted her with the question, "Did God really say?" (Genesis 3:1). It stirred her curiosity and she had a choice to make.

Sometimes we wonder if it's even possible to make wise choices while living in today's wild world. The good news is that amid all the choices and deceptive offers, God has provided us with wisdom to make right ones. We can do so following some spiritual guidelines men and women used in the biblical days.

First they prayed about it. The Bible informs us if we lack wisdom, we are to ask God. (James 1:5) When I can't decide, I discuss it with God and trust that, at some point, He will clear up any deception and double-minded views I have and give me some clarity.

Look at your values. Using your morals and values can help you discern your choices. You've already made the choice to be a believer. Trust your inner sense will light the way.

Seek wise counsel - be it a friend, teacher, pastor, or counselor. The Bible informs us there is wisdom in seeking the wise counsel of others. (Proverbs 15:22).

Try setting a time frame. Once, I was struggling with making a decision and I came across this Bible verse: "How long will you halt and waver over 2 opinions?" (1 Kings 18:21). I figured God was showing me that eventually I'd have to make a choice. My going back and forth was causing me to remain stuck.

Don't get anxious thinking you've got to make a snap decision. Some choices are much easier and less serious to make than others. Sometimes it's wise to take our time. I figure that's still a choice. Trust God will guide when the time is right.

We're choosing all day long. It's good to know God has equipped us with the wisdom and ability to make wise decisions while living in a wild world.

• Annettee Budzban is a Christian author, speaker, life coach and nurse. She can be contacted at or (847) 543-8413.

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