
Palatine's Childhood Apraxia of Speech Day Proclamation

Palatine's Mayor, Jim Schwantz, presented 4-year-old, Austin Kelso, with the Childhood Apraxia of Speech Day Proclamation, which is recognized May 14th. Childhood Apraxia of Speech (CAS) is a neurological speech and motor planning disorder. Typically, children with Apraxia benefit from intense, frequent, individualized speech therapy. Awareness and fundraisers have been set-up throughout our communities for our local 501(c)3 group, The Apraxia Connection, and our national group, Apraxia Kids. For more information or additional resources regarding Apraxia, check out, and/or Thank you to family, friends, medical professionals, and speech and language pathologists, who show continued support for children with Apraxia.

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