
Turn to the Schaumburg library when you job search

Whether you're looking for a job or have a business of your own, the Schaumburg Township District Library offers valuable programs to help increase your chances of success. Each month, programs for jobseekers and entrepreneurs are included in the library's offerings. Professionals present programs on a variety of topics geared toward making your job search, or your company, a fruitful endeavor.

For jobseekers, the library regularly offers "Power Employment" provided by Illinois workNet. Experts will help you structure your job search to find a job in today's market. Subjects covered include writing resumes and cover letters, effective interviewing skills, networking and using social media to promote your skills and experience. The next "Power Employment" sessions will take place from 9 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. on Tuesdays, Dec. 4, Jan. 8 and Feb. 5, in the Rasmussen North Room of the library, 130 S. Roselle Road, Schaumburg. Register online for these free workshop at

For those who are already employed, workplace stress may be causing mental, emotional and physical problems. Those suffering from workplace stress are invited to attend "Top 5 Ways to Release Workplace Stress" from 7-8:30 p.m. Monday, Dec. 10, in the library's Rasmussen South Room. Certified Advanced Clinical Hypnotherapist Susan Atchison will provide strategies for quickly reducing stress and re-energizing yourself to be more effective at work.

Getting to job interviews can be a challenge, especially for those without a car, or those who prefer not to drive to Chicago. Come to "Public Transit-Winter Edition" from 1:30-3:30 p.m. Friday, Dec. 7 in the Rasmussen Room to discover your options for using public transportation that will take you throughout Schaumburg Township and even into Chicago.

Business owners may want to discover the various ways that Facebook can help them with marketing and brand building. "Harness Facebook for your Business" will take place 6:30-8 p.m. Wednesday, Jan. 23, at the library's Hoffman Estates Branch, 1550 Hassell Road. In this free seminar, Rebecca Hoffman of Good Egg Concepts will provide insight on why Facebook matters for business - especially small businesses. She will explore ways to utilize this social media platform to create positive marketing messages and creative brand building.

These are just a few of the many free resources available for jobseekers and business owners. From a plethora of books, to databases, software programs and a variety of workshops and presentations, the library is ready to assist members of our community with their career and business needs. For information, go to or call the library's Business Liaison librarian, Patti Smolin, at (847) 923-3334.

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