
Be kind and live a more powerful life

"A man who is kind benefits himself."

- Proverbs 11:17 (NIV)

I recently heard an unusual saying, "Kindness is the new cool." I thought it was an interesting concept, because kindness is an ancient Godly virtue - it's always existed. So, I'm asking, why is it considered new? I believe it's because it's been lost through the generations. And it's time to bring it back.

There have been times in my life I've been told I'm too nice. Like being nice is a bad thing?

When we were younger, kindness was enforced by most parents, teachers and other authority figures. I don't hear much being endorsed today about kindness.

Some people have a more natural disposition to be kind because of their personality type, but it's something we all must work at. I've observed most people can be kind when someone is kind to them, but the moment someone isn't, they lose their cool. The biblical standard of kindness is to be extended whether people acknowledge us kindly or not.

The definition of the word, "mercy" includes kindness. When you are merciful, you extend something people don't deserve. We don't have to worry - God will hold others accountable for their actions, and He will hold us accountable for ours, too.

We don't realize it, but when we're kind, we are actually living a more powerful life. Jesus Christ, was kind to people. He was truthful, and confronted, yet kind. It doesn't mean we have to be a doormat.

Kindness doesn't have to cost anything, except a little self-respect and dignity. If you want to be dignified, be kind and considerate.

I was recently listening to a call-in radio show, where they were discussing the bad manners kids have today. Some of the things callers listed were simple basic principles of kindness. They mentioned things such as: They need to learn to say, "please," "thank you" and "you're welcome." They should learn table manners. And, knowing how to behave in public, by not being too loud and obnoxious, was at the top of the list.

While I was browsing the cereal aisle at a local supermarket, a young boy was looking to get past me and said, "Excuse me." I thought that was cool." Many adults don't even do that.

Maybe, instead of blowing our cool, we should try to keep our cool, and show some kindness.

• Annettee Budzban is a Christian author, speaker, life coach and nurse. Invite her to speak at your church or organization group. Annettee can be contacted at or call (847) 543-8413, Visit

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