Lombard's Flat Apple program encourages kids to stay active all summer
The Healthy Lombard Foundation wants kids to stay fit this summer, and kids who keep track of their activities just may win a prize or find a bit of local fame.
The foundation is launching the Flat Apple Summer Activity, which aims to keep kids moving through the warm weather. From Friday, June 1, through Aug. 25, kids are encouraged to take part in Healthy Lombard-sponsored activities at community events such as a Lombard Cruise Night and keep a log of the time they spend doing things that will keep their bodies healthy.
Play sports? The game goes on the log. Spend the afternoon swimming? Log it. Ride your bike with friends and take a family walk? Log and log again.
"Flat Apple is for both (the) athletic and nonathletic child," foundation board President Jay Wojcik said. "Our goal is for kids to have a great experience and be motivated to stay active during the summer."
To take part in Flat Apple, children between the ages of 4 and 16 must have their parents register them for the free program on the Healthy Lombard website, healthylombard.com. The program is open to children who live outside of Lombard as well as to residents.
As part of the signup, parents will download or print the Flat Apple logo that will serve as a passport to Healthy Lombard-sponsored children's activities at community events, including a July event at Health Tracks Sports and Wellness, the Kids Corner tent at Lombard Cruise Night from 6 to 9 p.m. Aug. 18, and the Lombard Park District open house.
Each time a registered child takes part in an official Flat Apple event and every time they log 90 minutes of physical activity, they'll be rewarded with a participation ticket. All those participation tickets will go into a drawing for prizes including a bike, exercise equipment and gift cards to be distributed in September.
A new Activity Tracker log is available this year through the Flat Apple page at healthylombard.com. Logs must be submitted by Aug. 18.
Healthy Lombard is offering one more way for kids to earn participation tickets: Kids can take selfies (or their parents can take pictures of them) while being active and email those photos to info@healthylombard.com. The message should include their name and family password so that organizers can create participation tickets. The photos may be posted without the child's name on the Healthy Lombard Selfie page.
While kids are looking at the selfies, they can look for the weekly Fitness Challenge Question. Everyone who submits a correct answer will be entered to win weekly gift card prizes.
"We had over 70 family with approximately 150 kids take part last year," Wojcik said. "We hope to increase that number this year with our new Activity Tracker option and with our weekly challenge question."
For information, visit healthylombard.com/flat-apple-2018/.