Gubernatorial candidate Jeanne Ives to speak at Wheeling GOP meeting
Jeanne Ives will speak in Arlington Heights at the 8:30 a.m. on Saturday, Nov. 11, meeting of Republicans of Wheeling Township in the group's headquarters at 909 E. Rand Road. The public is welcome.
The outspoken state representative recently launched a campaign to challenge Gov. Bruce Rauner in the 2018 GOP primary election. She is serving her third term in the General Assembly. She lives in Wheaton with her husband and five children and she previously served on the city council.
"Jeanne Ives is known for her no-nonsense approach to government reform and fighting high taxes," said Ruth O'Connell, Wheeling Township's Republican committeeman. "She is also an Army veteran, a graduate of West Point who served six years as an officer," she said, pointing out the appearance is on Veterans Day.