Marie Denecke
Arlington Hts. bookmobile more than mobile librarySep 14, 2012 2:00 pm - When Harold Goldstein of the University of Illinois wrote in 1961 that bookmobiles could be “no more than an ancillary arm of the main institutions, serving as long as b...
Prospect Hts. drainage study on hold while city awaits fundingSep 13, 2012 3:45 pm - A drainage study to help Prospect Heights prepare for and reduce instances of flooding is on hold because the city has not been able to obtain a grant to fund it, city l...
Chicago Executive Airport improvements depend on grantsSep 12, 2012 8:19 pm - The Chicago Executive Airport in Wheeling wants to repave and extend a taxiway to make conditions safer and more convenient for pilots, but completing the $750,000 proje...
Prospect Heights finally lands grocery store in former Dominick'sSep 11, 2012 10:15 am - An Ultra Foods store — and about 200 jobs along with it — is moving into a long vacant space in Prospect Heights' Prospect Crossing Shopping Center, city officials annou...
Barrington firm helps people find jobsSep 09, 2012 11:00 pm - When Beth McAndrews of Barrington decided to look for a job, she had been out of work for 13 years, raising four girls at home. That was in Spring 2011, when the nation'...
Suburban teams prepared for today's “Flugtag”Sep 08, 2012 7:00 am - Among the 28 teams competing today in the Red Bull Flugtag at North Avenue Beach, it will be easy to make out Jimmy O'Brien of Palatine. Most likely, he'll be the only o...
Wheeling allowing ads in village, senior newslettersSep 06, 2012 9:10 am - Newsletters for the village of Wheeling and the Wheeling Senior Center will for the first time include advertising beginning next year, a move officials say should cover...
Suburban teams to fly high in Saturday’s “Flugtag”Sep 05, 2012 6:00 pm - They call themselves the “Chicago Muppets” or the “Shuffling Staches” and have devoted every free minute of the past few weeks preparing for a flying competition that do...
Flood control project finally getting underwaySep 05, 2012 10:15 am - If suburban residents were starting to wonder what was happening with the Heritage Park Flood Control project, the answer for the past few months would be: Nothing. A di...
Residents rake in thousands renting homes for Ryder CupSep 03, 2012 11:00 pm - Golf fans by the score will be flocking to Medinah Country Club during Ryder Cup week. And many won't be staying in hotels, but in the homes of area residents. This cott...
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