Ken Potts
Potts: Make peace with the past to live more happily in the presentSep 29, 2021 11:00 pm - To get to know the people I work with in counseling, we usually spend a number of sessions taking about their personal history. We look at which people were important in...
Love the one you're withAug 05, 2021 1:00 am - Adam and Eve are walking in the garden. Eve to Adam: "Do you love me and only me?" Adam to Eve: "Who else?" Bad joke. Good point. Eve had no competition. It's not that s...
Two suggestions on dealing with so-called 'conceited' peopleJul 07, 2021 11:00 pm - "I've never met a conceited person." "You've got to be kidding!" "No, I'm serious. I have never met a person who is really conceited." The key word here is "really." Su...
Sensitive care from others makes pain easier to bearJun 16, 2021 11:00 pm - "Make it all better?" My then 2-year-old pleaded, crawling up into my lap after her latest bout of knee scrapping. And I did. Not that I miraculously healed her wound -...
Best way to make new friends is to be a friendMay 05, 2021 11:00 pm - A preteen asked me one of those "there's no easy answer to this one" questions the other day. "How do you make friends?" I wasn't exactly an expert at making friends whe...
Is there such a thing as love at first sight in real life?Feb 17, 2021 10:00 pm - What do you say when your teenager asks you if you believe in "love at first sight?" I found myself in such a situation a few years ago, and, I must admit, fumbled a bit...
Love is a word often overused, but seldom understoodFeb 03, 2021 10:00 pm - "Will I ever love the way I used to?" This question gets asked by many of the couples I work with in marriage counseling. One spouse or the other recognizes that he or s...
Change your attitude about what 'love your neighbor' meansJan 20, 2021 10:00 pm - Most of us grew up with the religious commandment to "love your neighbor." We heard about going the second mile, or giving the shirt off our backs. We were told that lov...
Kids' emotional, physical maturation don't grow at same rateNov 11, 2020 10:00 pm - By Ken Potts That's life A 14-year-old I know stood in line at a custom bowling supply store. About 6'2" and 180 lbs., already with a man's voice and beard, he certainly...
Seniors beset by loss can find ways to make life more fulfillingNov 08, 2020 5:00 am - By Ken Potts "Senior cited for threat to lawn care man." If I remember correctly, the headline read something like that. The story went on to detail how an elderly gentl...
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