George LeClaire
Wauconda Easter event puts spring in families' stepMar 28, 2015 8:00 am - Old man winter may have a persistent grip on the weather outdoors, but the Wauconda Park District created a springlike atmosphere indoors for families at its community c...
Allergen free Mt. Prospect Easter egg huntMar 28, 2015 1:00 am - Many children with allergies have never attended an Easter egg hunt, said Sonia Walker, co-owner of Nutphree's Bakery. The Mount Prospect bakery held its first food-free...
Elk Grove Village museum celebrates Native American heritageNov 01, 2014 1:01 am - Nino Romeo pounded the colorful kernels into a hollow tree stump. With only some tips from an onlooker, the Roselle 10-year-old learned how to make cornmeal from scratch...
Rauner tours Wheeling plant; Quinn at fertilizer factory siteOct 29, 2014 1:01 am - Republican gubernatorial candidate Bruce Rauner made a stop Wednesday at the Penray Co. in Wheeling, where he called Pat Quinn "the worst governor in America" and held a...
School-custodian-turned author reads to students at Sprague School in LincolnshireOct 03, 2014 1:01 am - The melodious sounds of mice squeaking, alligators grunting, monkeys chattering, and elephants roaring billowed from the library windows at Laura B. Sprague Elementary S...
Libertyville man shares his love for yoga with 'breath of fire'Aug 22, 2014 10:01 am - They call it the breath of fire. It sounds forced and desperate, like a Canada goose gasping for air after running a marathon. Linas Damasius of Libertyville calls it ...
Games pitch-perfect for Grayslake Summer Days festivalAug 16, 2014 1:01 am - Tristan Gottstein, 13, threw a 54 mph fastball pitch, about waist high, right down the middle of Center Street in Grayslake. He was trying to top 60 mph in the Grayslake...
Grayslake fest a feast for the sensesAug 15, 2014 1:01 am - You can smell Grayslake Summer Days festival before you turn the corner onto Center Street. Of course, it smells like summer. There are six local food vendor booths gri...
Dogs make a big splash in LibertyvilleJul 12, 2014 8:00 am - Dogs from throughout the Chicago suburbs and the Midwest made a big splash Friday at Libertyville's Dog Days of Summer. Encouraged by their owners, the dogs jumped into...
Miss Illinois entertains seniors in Vernon HillsJun 28, 2014 8:00 am - Miss Illinois Marisa Buchheit's performance in Vernon Hills ended with "The Kiss". Mitch Lewin spontaneously kissed Buchheit's hand as she ended her program at Brookdale...
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