Gene Lyon
Glenbard West has no answer for Lyons Twp. forward pairingMay 20, 2023 1:00 am - Lyons Township has one of the best forward duos in the state in senior Katie O'Malley and sophomore Caroline Mortonson. Stopping one in any given game is a difficult fea...
Yes, Antifa is dangerous - but not to fascistsSep 12, 2017 1:00 am - Call me unromantic, but I disliked a lot about the fabled "Sixties" the first time around. Some of the music was good, but otherwise 1968 was among the worst years in Am...
Buyer remorse sets in for flyover country Trump votersAug 02, 2017 1:00 am - Out here in flyover country, you can't hardly go by the feed store without running into a reporter doing one of those Wisdom of the Heartland stories. Seems like they co...
Buyer remorse sets in for flyover country Trump votersAug 01, 2017 1:00 am - By Gene Lyons "You can fool too many of the people too much of the time." - James Thurber Out here in flyover country, you can't hardly go by the feed store without run...
Cabinet showers 'Dear Leader' with praiseJun 15, 2017 1:00 am - By Gene Lyons If you've been wondering what "loyalty" means to President Trump, his most recent Cabinet meeting provides an illustration. Hint: It doesn't necessarily in...
Americans can see through Trump's 'fake news' claimsJun 07, 2017 1:00 am - By Gene Lyons Where I come from, sucker-punching or body-slamming an unsuspecting adversary isn't the mark of a tough guy. It's a punk move, a half step above smacking a...
For Democrats, Obama's Wall Street payday sends the wrong signalMay 03, 2017 11:00 pm - "I am not a member of any organized party - I am a Democrat." - Will Rogers, 1935 Never mind that at a rally in Harrisburg, Pennsylvania, the president of the United St...
Follow the money to uncover Trump's ties to RussiaFeb 28, 2017 12:00 am - If you think about it, no wonder Donald Trump prefers the imaginative stylings of Fox News to the Presidential Daily Briefing. He's pretty much the network's target demo...
Bickering at New York Times let Trump off the hookJan 27, 2017 12:00 am - Now that the horses have left the barn, trotted out the front gate and are galloping headlong down the county road, editors at The New York Times have taken to public bi...
Are we out of touch with the 'real America' or 'reality TV' America?Jan 18, 2017 12:00 am - Following the 2016 election, some readers have accused me of being out of touch with the Real America - that mythic locale inhabited by people who vote like them and wat...
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