Colleen Thomas
Make media literacy a priority in Illinois schoolsOct 06, 2019 1:00 am - A 13-year-old sees a stunning claim on her social media feed: "Disney star Debby Ryan dies of heart attack." Wanting to share the wealth of new information, she immediat...
Newpaper's role in teaching Common CoreOct 11, 2014 8:00 am - Introducing the concept of argumentative writing to seventh-graders can be challenging. “You take a stand,” I tell the students in my charge. “You're trying to persuade ...
What you should know when your basement floodsApr 18, 2013 5:07 pm - Your basement is full of water that not only ruined your carpet but is polluted with harmful bacteria. What’s your next move? Put safety first. There’s always the danger...
Hundreds remember ‘vibrant life’ of Maine West teenOct 29, 2011 12:00 am - Bright hues of pink, purple and green replaced the traditional dark clothing of mourners at a memorial service Saturday for Stephanie Valusescu, who died this week after...
What Palin can do to succeed in national politicsJul 09, 2009 11:00 pm - The soon to be former governor of Alaska, Sarah Palin, is like one of those souffles my mother sometimes made. The recipe warned against premature removal from the oven ...
Suburban women's chorus keeps classic tunes aliveMay 26, 2009 11:00 pm - Take 40 women who love to sing, add sparkly costumes, sprinkle in some old favorites and put it all in front of an appreciative audience. Lots of smiles will result. "I ...
Two local schools find they have a voice in their futureMay 11, 2009 11:00 pm - Among the cacophony of calls for change and community improvement, young teens in the suburbs are learning they have a voice. And students at Carl Sandburg Junior High i...
Rolling Meadows-based team wins national robotics competitionApr 21, 2009 11:00 pm - The WildStangs robotics team continued its winning tradition in a big way by taking first place in a national competition. The Rolling Meadows High School-based group br...
Rolling Meadows Orchesis teaches more than danceMar 12, 2009 11:00 pm - Members of the Rolling Meadows High School Orchesis troupe will offer up plenty of dancing talent at this week's annual show. But their instructor is quick to point out...
Orchesis teaches much besides danceMar 11, 2009 11:00 pm - Members of the Rolling Meadows High School Orchesis troupe will offer up plenty of dancing talent at this week's annual show. But their instructor is quick to point out...
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